Economy went down, a lot of people lost their jobs. Some agencies closed or merged. So many models got released by their agencies in NYC. However, it was a miraculous year for me in 2010. It such a good ideal to manager myself after working all these years in the entertainment industry. Of course, I used to sign exclusive contracts with some top agencies. I'm now still presenting by agencies worldwide, but I didn't sign exclusive with them because I do believe I'll work a lot more to be a freelance model and actor. I know myself better than others plus I was a manager in a modeling agency for 2 years in New York City. In order to be exclusive Not until I find a manager or agent who does believe in me and knows how to promote me.
List some of my bookings(in 2010) below:
Movies: "Premium Rush(2012)" scenes with Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Michael Shannon, "Safe(2011)" starring with Jason Statham, "Men In Black III(2012)" scenes with Will Smith & Emma Thompson, "Friends with Benefits(2011)" Starring with Justin Timberlake, and "Tower Heist(2011)" scenes with Ben Stiller...
Sony 3D: (5 years exclusive contract including TV, Cable, Internet, & Industrial), Hugo Boss, PlayBoy Fragrance, Iphone4, Ipad, Macy's(TV, & Industrial), Bank of American(2 times Including TV, Print & Industrial), N.Y. Lottery, Nike, and Kodak...
Express, Motorola, Microsoft, Nordstrom, Bank of American(2X)...
P.S. Runway, Editorial & TV Series gigs are not included, don't remember...